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Banff Conference 2024

  • 17 May 2024
  • 19 May 2024
  • Banff Park Lodge


  • Attend this conference virtually from the comfort of your own home! Only difference is that you wont be able to participate in the practice sessions and we will adjust the CE's accordingly.
  • Attend this conference virtually from the comfort of your own home! Only difference is that you wont be able to participate in the practice sessions and we will adjust the CE's accordingly.

Registration is closed

This year we are excited to have Dr. Louis Damis, Ph.D, Diplomate with the American Board of Professional Psychology & Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Health Psychology. Dr Louis will be teaching "Hypnosis for the Treatment of Developmental Trauma Disorders" as an experiential workshop where participants will have the opportunity to practice their skills with feedback from Dr. Louis. 

For those unable to join in person, we will be offering a virtual option as well!

Date: 17-19 May 24
Location: Banff Park Lodge, Banff, AB
Members get a preferred hotel room rate

CSCH Agenda Trauma Banff May 2024.docx

Conference 17-19 May 24 Poster.pdf

CSCH Abstract Bio Trauma Banff May 2024.pdf

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  • Banff Conference 2024

About the Association

The Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis - Alberta Society (CFCH-AB) is a professional society made up of licensed health professionals in Alberta. Members are trained in the responsible, appropriate and ethical use of clinical hypnosis.

All full members are also required to be regulated healthcare providers in the province of Alberta, Canada or equivalent if coming from another jurisdiction.


Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis - Alberta Society (CFCH-AB)

PO Box 80104, RPO Beacon Hill
Alberta Canada, T3R 0B2

Phone: 1 (825) 558 0899
Email: info@clinicalhypnosis.ca

 © All Rights Reserved by Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis - Alberta Society, 2024 | Calgary, Alberta

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